Version Control Systems & NoSQL Databases
In this article I will give you an introduction to version control systems and NoSQL databases.
Version Control Systems.
Version control is the process of tracking and managing changes to files overtime. Version control systems are software tools designed for version controlling. Version control systems allow multiple developers to work on the same project.
In version control systems, changes made to files are identified using a revision number. Each revision records the time and the person who made the change. These revisions can be restored, merged and compared.
Version control systems are important to keep track of changes. It is always good to use version control systems for projects that multiple team members will collaborate on.
Here are some benefits of using version control systems.
- Allow collaborative development.
- Provide access control
- Conflict resolvement.
- Improves visibility.
- Accelerate product delivery.
- Easier backups.
Version control systems can be divided into two categories.
- Centralized version control systems.
- Distributed version control systems.
Popular types of version control systems,
Git is a free and open-source distributed version control system that was originally created in 2005 for development of linux kernel. However, now It is one of the most popular version control systems out there.
Here are some advantages of Git compared to other version control systems.
- Branching and merging
What makes Git stand apart from every other version control system out there is its branching model. Git allows you to have multiple local branches that are entirely independent of each other.
2. Small and Fast
Almost all git operations are performed locally. This makes Git a really fast version control system. And also, since Git is written in C, Git performs better compared to other version control systems.
3. Staging Area
Git has an intermediate area called the “staging area” where commits can be formatted and reviewed before completing the commit.
4. Free and Open Source
Git is free and open source, so anyone can use it.
Useful links,
Advantages of Git —
Git commands —
NoSQL Databases
NoSQL databases are non-relational, schema based databases that store data differently than relational databases. These databases provide flexible schemas and they are horizontally scalable.
NoSQL databases allow developers to store huge amounts of unstructured data. With the rise of cloud computing and agile manifesto, NoSQL databases became more popular among software developers.
Let’s take a look at the types of NoSQL databases.
Document databases — Store data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) like documents.
Key-value databases — Each item in the database contains keys and values.
Wide-column databases — Store data in tables, rows, and dynamic columns.
Graph databases — Store data in nodes and edges.
The following factors lead developers to select NoSQL databases.
- Face-paced Agile development
- Storage of structured and semi-structured data.
- Huge volumes of data.
- Requirements for scale-out architecture.
- Microservices and real-time streaming.
Popular open-source NoSQL databases.
MongoDB is a general-purpose distributed NoSQL database. MongoDB is a document based database that stores data in JSON like documents. This makes MongoDB more powerful and efficient than the relational databases.
Features of MongoDB.
- Provides first-class security.
- Strong query capabilities.
- Supports various methods of searching such as geographical searching, text searching, graph searching.
- Allows you to create visualizations using MongoDB data.
- Allows you to connect with business intelligence tools that are compatible with MySQL protocol.
- Supports ACID transactions.
- Uses SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine and Grid file system.
Useful links.
SQL vs NoSQL databases —
MongoDB official documentation —
ACID transactions —